Proud Black Woman

via Daily Prompt: Black

I am Black and I am proud. I embrace all things that come with this race, the good the bad and the ugly- yes even the ugly – it all moulds me into becoming the woman I hope to be. I am happy that I can actually be proud to be Black and I owe that to my forefathers who fought for freedom and independence from colonial rule. That independence was a door for future generations to live freely and be able to express and celebrate their culture. It saddens me however that I still live in a world where other people see this race as the lesser race. It pains me, even more, to see that there are fellow Black men and women who believe and live this lie.  A reminder to everyone out there, we were all created in God’s image. We all mirror God’s appearance with our different skins and God has a purpose for each and every one of us, and he created us the way we are as part of our individual narrative. As far as I know and believe, God does not make mistakes, so please do not let anyone lie to you about your value in the world. To my fellow Black brothers and sisters, embrace your curves, your kinky hair, your language, your heritage and above all your skin. Never let anyone make you feel any less than who God says you are. And to those who believe Black people are inferior, we forgive you. You need to learn to walk in love, we are all brothers and sisters from the same father, it needs to show through our acts.

Lupats (Proud Black Woman)

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